


Chinese Name: 香蕉

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Spleen, stomach, large intestine

Properties: Cools the body, helps with detoxification, moisturizes the lungs and intestines

Best Use For: Relieving constipation and heat-dry cough

Serving Per Day For One Person: 1 to 4 pieces

Dietary Caution: People with water retention and kidney related illnesses should avoid consuming bananas

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 青梅

Thermal Nature: Neutral

Flavor: Sour

Organ Meridian: Lung, stomach, large intestine

Properties: Promotes production of body fluids, smoothens the throat, relieves diarrhea

Best Use For: Relieving sore throat, quenching thirst

Serving Per Day For One Person: 6 to 9g

Dietary Caution: People with gastric pain and acid reflux should avoid consuming greengages

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 无花果

Thermal Nature: Cooling

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Lung, stomach, large intestine

Properties: Strengthens spleen, clears intestine, helps with detoxification, relieves swelling

Best Use For: Treating swollen throat and dry-type cough, improving appetite, relieving constipation due to intestine heatiness

Serving Per Day For One Person: 9 to 15g

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 柿子

Thermal Nature: Cooling

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Heart, lung, large intestine

Properties: Cools the body, moisturizes the lungs, quenches thirst

Best Use For: Treating cough (heat-type coughs or coughs with blood)

Serving Per Day For One Person: 100 to 200g

Dietary Caution: People with weak spleen and stomach should avoid consuming persimmon

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution

Special Note: Persimmon is also available in dried fruit form (as shown in the picture below). Dried persimmon has spleen-strengthening properties and helps to stop bleeding (internal and external).

dried persimmon




Chinese Name: 桃

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Lung, large intestine

Properties: Moisturizes intestines, promotes blood flow and strengthens blood and energy

Best Use For: Relieving constipation (due to insufficient fluids in intestines), good for people who are Qi-deficient and have excessive sweating

Dietary Caution: Not suitable to be consumed in the long term as it will create inner heat in the body

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Qi deficiency body constitution, Blood stasis body constitution

Black Fungus

Black Fungus

black fungus

Name: Black Fungus

Chinese Name: 黑木耳

Thermal Nature: Neutral

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Lung, spleen, large intestine, liver

Properties: Improves energy, moisturizes lungs and stops cough, stops bleeding, reduces blood pressure, anti-cancer 

Best Use For: Treating weak vitality, treating lack of blood, treating lungs weakness and long term coughing, reducing high blood pressure, treating cervical cancer

Serving Per Day For One Person: 3 to 10g

Dietary Caution: People with loose stools should avoid consuming black fungus

Suitable For: All types of body constitution

Button Mushroom

Button Mushroom


Chinese Name: 蘑菇

Thermal Nature: Neutral

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Intestine, stomach, lung

Properties: Strengthen spleen and improve appetite, balance liver and improve alertness

Best Use For: Relieving indigestion, boosting breast milk supply, relieving insomnia

Serving Per Day For One Person: 150 to 180g

Dietary Caution: People with low energy should avoid consuming button mushroom

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution

Eagle Fern

Eagle Fern

eagle fern

Chinese Name: 蕨菜

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Liver, stomach, large intestine

Properties: Cools the body, relieves dampness, dissolves phlegm, stops bleeding

Best Use For: Treating heat-type flu, relieving cough with blood

Serving Per Day For One Person: 9 to 15g

Dietary Caution: Not recommended for long term consumption. Do not consume raw.

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 马齿苋

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sour

Organ Meridian: Large intestine, liver

Properties: Cools body heat and blood

Best Use For: Detoxing and reducing heatiness in the body, promoting urination

Serving Per Day For One Person: 30 to 60g

Dietary Caution: Pregnant women and people with weak stomach and spleen should avoid consuming purslane

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution 

Bamboo Shoots

Bamboo Shoot

bamboo shoots

Chinese Name: 竹笋

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Stomach, large intestine

Properties: Dissolves phlegm, relieves bloating

Best Use For: Relieving stomach bloating due to overeating

Serving Per Day For One Person: 30 to 60g

Dietary Caution: People with weak stomach and spleen should avoid consuming bamboo shoots

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Phlegm and dampness body constitution