


Chinese Name: 山楂

Thermal Nature: Warm (Slight)

Flavor: Sour, sweet

Organ Meridian: Spleen, stomach, liver

Properties: Strengthens spleen, aids indigestion (overconsumption of meat), promotes blood flow and relieves pain

Best Use For: Relieving stomach bloating due to overconsumption of meat, relieving pains in body due to blood clots

Serving Per Day For One Person: 3 to 10g

Dietary Caution: People with weak spleen and stomach should avoid consuming hawthorn. Women who are pregnant must avoid eating hawthorn.

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Qi stagnation body constitution, Blood stasis body constitution




Chinese Name: 石榴

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Spleen, lung

Properties: Stops bleeding, relieves cough

Best Use For: Treating very frequent urination, relieving cough, treating loss of voice due to sore throat 

Serving Per Day For One Person: 10 to 30g

Dietary Caution: Overconsumption of guava will lead to lung and teeth damage. As guava skin contains some poisonous substances, it is safer to consume guava without the skin

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution





Chinese Name: 桃

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Lung, large intestine

Properties: Moisturizes intestines, promotes blood flow and strengthens blood and energy

Best Use For: Relieving constipation (due to insufficient fluids in intestines), good for people who are Qi-deficient and have excessive sweating

Dietary Caution: Not suitable to be consumed in the long term as it will create inner heat in the body

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Qi deficiency body constitution, Blood stasis body constitution

Fistular Onion Stalk

Fistular Onion Stalk

onion stalk

Chinese Name: 葱白

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Pungent

Organ Meridian: Stomach, lung

Properties: Expels coldness, warms body (by increasing Yang), helps with detoxification

Best Use For: Treating cold-type flu and stomachache due to coldness

Serving Per Day For One Person: 15 to 30g

Dietary Caution: People who tend to sweat excessively (especially elderly) should avoid consuming fistular onion stalk

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 洋葱

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sweet, pungent

Organ Meridian: Lung

Properties: Strengthens stomach, improves energy flow, helps with detoxification, reduces blood cholesterol

Best Use For: Improving poor appetite, treating diseases due to high blood cholesterol

Serving Per Day For One Person: 30 to 120g

Dietary Caution: Overconsumption of onion will lead to blurry vision. People who have just recovered from heat-type illnesses must avoid consuming onion.

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Also Known As: Parsley

Chinese Name: 芫荽

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Pungent

Organ Meridian: Lung, spleen, liver

Properties: Expels coldness in body, relieves pain, helps with detoxification

Best Use For: Relieving cold-type flu, overeating and stomach bloating 

Serving Per Day For One Person: 15 to 30g

Dietary Caution: People who have heat-type flu should avoid consuming coriander

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 芥菜

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Pungent

Organ Meridian: Lung, stomach, kidney

Properties: Strengthens lungs, purges phlegm, dissolves clots, relieves swelling 

Best Use For: Relieving cold-type cough, dissolving phlegm that causes coughing

Serving Per Day For One Person: 10 to 15g

Dietary Caution: People with eye diseases and Yin deficiency body constitution should avoid consuming mustard

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 韭菜

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Pungent

Organ Meridian: Kidney, stomach, lung, liver

Properties: Strengthens kidneys, warms the body, encourages Qi flow, disperses clots

Best Use For: Strengthening kidneys, relieving stomach pain (due to coldness in stomach)

Serving Per Day For One Person: 60 to 120g

Dietary Caution: People with Yin deficiency body constitution and people with eye diseases should avoid consuming chives

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Yang deficiency body constitution, Qi deficiency body constitution




Chinese Name: 高粱

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Spleen, stomach, lung

Properties: Strengthens spleen and relieves diarrhea, dissolves phlegm and calms the mind

Best Use For: Relieving diarrhea and indigestion, relieving cough (due to phlegm). Its calming effect also helps one to sleep better. 

Serving Per Day For One Person: 30 to 60g

Dietary Caution: People with diabetes should avoid consuming sorghum

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Yang deficiency body constitution, Phlegm and dampness body constitution