Jiao Gu Lan

Jiao gu lan

Name: Gynoacemma Pentaphllum

Chinese Name: 绞股蓝

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet, bitter

Organ Meridian: Spleen, lung

Properties: Strengthen the spleen and boost energy, dissolves phlegm and stops coughing, cools the body and helps with detoxification

Best Use For: Jiao gu lan is an excellent herb and food to relieve cough that arise due to weakness in the lungs. It is also used for strengthening the spleen. During the Covid-19 period, jiao gu lan is a very common herb used to relieve covid symptoms because it has detoxifying and strong cooling properties. 

Serving Per Day For One Person: 10 to 15g

Dietary Caution: People with weak spleen should avoid consuming jiao gu lan alone as it is very cooling for the body