


Chinese Name: 昆布, 海带

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Salty

Organ Meridian: Liver, stomach, kidney

Properties: Dissolve phlegm, reduce swelling 

Best Use For: Relieving water retention in legs and persistent phlegm in body

Serving Per Day For One Person: 6 to 12g

Dietary Caution: Pregnant women and people with weak spleen and stomach should avoid consuming kombu

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 文蛤

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Salty

Organ Meridian: Stomach

Properties: Moisturize and quench thirst

Best Use For: Relieving sweating while sleeping due to lack of Yin

Serving Per Day For One Person: 30 to 60g

Dietary Caution: People who have Yang deficiency body constitution and people with weak spleen and stomach should avoid consuming clams

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution


Cow’s Milk

Cow's Milk

goat's milk

Chinese Name: 牛奶

Thermal Nature: Cold (Slight)

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Heart, lung, stomach

Properties: Strengthen body in general, particularly lung and spleen

Best Use For: Treating general weakness, lack in blood and energy, relieving constipation

Dietary Caution: People with weak spleen and stomach (loose stools) as well as people with phlegm (clear and watery) should avoid drinking cow’s milk

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 猪肉

Thermal Nature: Cold (slight)

Flavor: Sweet, salty

Organ Meridian: Spleen, stomach, kidney

Properties: Strengthen kidney and Yin, promote energy

Best Use For: Treating weak kidneys, dry cough and reduce swelling 

Dietary Caution: People with dampness and heat body constitution and phlegm and dampness body constitution should avoid consuming pork

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Yin deficiency body constitution


Kiwi Fruit




Chinese Name: 西瓜

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Heart, stomach, bladder

Properties: Clears summer heat, increases urination frequency

Best Use For: Treating heat-related illnesses, promoting urination frequency, relieving mouth ulcers and sore throat

Serving Size: In moderation

Dietary Caution: People with weak stomach and spleen should avoid consuming watermelon

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution





Chinese Name: 桑葚

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Liver, kidney

Properties: Nourishes Yin, strengthens liver and kidney

Best Use For: Treating hair problems like grey hair and hair loss, relieving constipation, treating blurred vision and ear ringing

Dietary Caution: People with weak spleen and stomach (loose stools) should avoid consuming mulberry

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Yin deficiency body constitution