Chinese Barley

chinese barley

Chinese Name: 薏米,  薏苡仁

Thermal Nature: Cold (Slight)

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Spleen, stomach, lung

Properties: Strengthens spleen, removes redundant fluids in spleen, cools body and expels pus

Best Use For: Chinese barley is used to treat swollen legs and feet due to water retention. It also has weight loss properties and strong cooling effects.

Due to its properties in expelling pus, it is used for relieving ulcers in lungs and intestines. One must consume chinese barley in the long term in order to see the benefits.

Serving Per Day For One Person: 10 to 30g

Dietary Caution: Pregnant women must avoid taking chinese barley

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Dampness and heat body constitution, Phlegm and dampness body constitution

More References: Click here for more practical information about chinese barley