Fingered Citron

Fingered Citron

fingered citron

Also Known As: Citrus Medica

Chinese Name: 佛手

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Bitter, pungent, sour

Organ Meridian: Spleen, lung, liver, stomach

Properties: Harmonize liver and stomach Qi, dissolves phlegm

Best Use For: Relieving stagnant Qi in the liver and stomach

Serving Per Day For One Person: 3 to 10g

Dietary Caution: People with Yin deficiency should reduce their intake of fingered citron

Suitable For: All types of body constitution

Spine Date Seed

Spine Date Seed

Spine date seed

Also Known As: Ziziphus Jujuba

Chinese Name: 酸枣仁

Thermal Nature: Neutral

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Heart, liver

Properties: Calms the mind, harmonizes the liver

Best Use For: Treating people with insomnia, especially when it is caused by a lack of nourishment in liver blood

Serving Per Day For One Person: 10 to 15g

Dietary Caution: Not known

Suitable For: All types of body constitution




Chinese Name: 醋

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sour, sweet

Organ Meridian: Liver, stomach

Properties: Disperse clogs, stop bleeding, help with detoxification

Best Use For: Stopping bleeding, removing poisonous substances in fishes, and vegetables

Serving Per Day For One Person: 10 to 30g

Dietary Caution: People with dampness in spleen (loose stools) should avoid consuming vinegar

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution


Kiwi Fruit




Chinese Name: 荔枝

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Liver, spleen

Properties: Strengthens spleen, promotes flow of energy to reduce swelling

Best Use For: Treating general body weakness (after recovering from illness), relieving thirst due to loss of body fluids

Serving Per Day For One Person: 5 to 10 pieces

Dietary Caution: People who have Yin deficiency body constitution should avoid consuming lychee

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution




Chinese Name: 桑葚

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Liver, kidney

Properties: Nourishes Yin, strengthens liver and kidney

Best Use For: Treating hair problems like grey hair and hair loss, relieving constipation, treating blurred vision and ear ringing

Dietary Caution: People with weak spleen and stomach (loose stools) should avoid consuming mulberry

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Yin deficiency body constitution




Chinese Name: 橄榄

Thermal Nature: Neutral

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Stomach, lung

Properties: Cools body and helps with detoxification, smoothens throat and dissolves phlegm, strengthens spleen and improves digestion 

Best Use For: Relieving sore throat, heat-type cough and indigestion

Serving Per Day For One Person: 30 to 50g

Dietary Caution: None

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution

