


Chinese Name: 山楂

Thermal Nature: Warm (Slight)

Flavor: Sour, sweet

Organ Meridian: Spleen, stomach, liver

Properties: Strengthens spleen, aids indigestion (overconsumption of meat), promotes blood flow and relieves pain

Best Use For: Relieving stomach bloating due to overconsumption of meat, relieving pains in body due to blood clots

Serving Per Day For One Person: 3 to 10g

Dietary Caution: People with weak spleen and stomach should avoid consuming hawthorn. Women who are pregnant must avoid eating hawthorn.

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Qi stagnation body constitution, Blood stasis body constitution




Chinese Name: 桃

Thermal Nature: Warm

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Lung, large intestine

Properties: Moisturizes intestines, promotes blood flow and strengthens blood and energy

Best Use For: Relieving constipation (due to insufficient fluids in intestines), good for people who are Qi-deficient and have excessive sweating

Dietary Caution: Not suitable to be consumed in the long term as it will create inner heat in the body

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Qi deficiency body constitution, Blood stasis body constitution

Black Fungus

Black Fungus

black fungus

Name: Black Fungus

Chinese Name: 黑木耳

Thermal Nature: Neutral

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Lung, spleen, large intestine, liver

Properties: Improves energy, moisturizes lungs and stops cough, stops bleeding, reduces blood pressure, anti-cancer 

Best Use For: Treating weak vitality, treating lack of blood, treating lungs weakness and long term coughing, reducing high blood pressure, treating cervical cancer

Serving Per Day For One Person: 3 to 10g

Dietary Caution: People with loose stools should avoid consuming black fungus

Suitable For: All types of body constitution

Lion’s Mane Mushroom




Chinese Name: 香菇

Thermal Nature: Neutral

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Liver, stomach

Properties: Improve vitality, strengthen spleen and improve appetite, expel wind, dissolve phlegm, anti-cancer

Best Use For: Improving one’s energy and vitality, aid digestion, treating lack of iron/blood, reducing blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels as well as treating chronic liver diseases  

Serving Per Day For One Person: 15 to 30g

Dietary Caution: People with cold and dampness in spleen and stomach should avoid consuming shiitake

Suitable For: All types of body constitution

Malabar Spinach

Malabar Spinach

malabar spinach

Chinese Name: 木耳菜

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet, sour

Organ Meridian: Heart, liver, spleen, large intestine, small intestine

Properties: Relieves constipation, cools the body, clears dampness, cools the blood, helps with detoxification

Best Use For: Relieving constipation, improving blood circulation for bruises

Serving Per Day For One Person: 30 to 60g

Dietary Caution: Pregnant women and people with coldness in stomach and spleen should avoid consuming malabar spinach

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Blood stasis body constitution


Shan Ci Mushroom

Shan Ci Mushroom

shan ci mushroom

Chinese Name: 山慈菇

Thermal Nature: Cold (slight)

Flavor: Sweet, bitter (slight), pungent (slight)

Organ Meridian: Spleen, lung, liver, bladder

Properties: Promotes blood flow, disperses clots, helps with detoxification

Best Use For: Treating people with blood clots in the body, treating bites by poisonous snakes

Serving Per Day For One Person: 15 to 30g

Dietary Caution: Pregnant women should avoid consuming shan ci mushroom

Suitable For: Balanced body constitutionBlood stasis body constitution

Lotus Root

Lotus Root

lotus root

Chinese Name: 莲藕

Thermal Nature: Cold

Flavor: Sweet

Organ Meridian: Heart, liver, spleen, stomach

Properties: Cools the body and blood, disperses clots, stops bleeding

Best Use For: Treating heat-type illnesses, recommended for people with blood stasis body constitution

Dietary Caution: Do not cook lotus root using cast iron wok. As lotus root is cold in thermal nature, people with weak spleen should avoid consuming it. 

Suitable For: Balanced body constitution, Blood stasis body constitution
